
  • 2016 “ACHIEVEMENT AWARD," National Association of Counties

  • Award for “Deployment of an Application to Capture Collective Impact” (in planning category, for implementing InsightVision)


In 2010, San Diego County, like much of the United States, was facing a tidal wave of chronic disease and rising healthcare costs among its 3.2 million residents. Two years prior to this, County staff and community stakeholders had commenced collaborative planning sessions to adopt a comprehensive, long-term initiative to improve the health, safety, and well-being of all County residents.



San Diego County established Live Well San Diego, a vision that aligns the efforts of County government, community partners, and individuals to create a San Diego County region that is Building Better Health, Living Safely, and Thriving. Community partners include cities and tribal governments; diverse businesses, including healthcare and technology; military and veterans organizations; schools; and community and faith-based organizations.

Because San Diego is such a large county, the Community Health Improvement Plans (CHIPs) are done by regions. Each of six regions has the flexibility to define their specific strategic objectives and measures, but they are encouraged to align those with the overall Live Well San Diego vision. In response, Insightformation consultants trained coalition members (including each branch of the public health department) in strategy mapping techniques and a shared community dashboard—through InsightVision—to capture the collective impact of programs, services, and interventions for their Top 10 Indicators:

  1. Life expectancy
  2. Quality of life
  3. Education
  4. Unemployment rate
  5. Income
  6. Security
  7. Physical environment
  8. Built environment
  9. Vulnerable populations
  10. Community involvement



With InsightVision and Insightformation's consulting services, Live Well San Diego has created a premier program that garners national attention. In Summer 2016, San Diego County earned an "Achievement Award" from the National Association of Counties for its efforts with Live Well San Diego.